Creating Content That Improves CX: A Q&A with Lionbridge & Aprimo

Today’s brands face numerous challenges. They need to create a customized, excellent experience for each and every customer worldwide. To do that, they need to create high-quality, on-target content. They need to create that content quickly, effectively, and for audiences who speak multiple languages. How can brands overcome some of these challenges? In this Q&A, we’re teaming up with our friends from Aprimo to dive into that topic. Arnie Koh is the Senior Director of Global Offerings at Lionbridge. He works closely with the company’s channel partners to help them achieve their global objectives.


Ericom Software

Ericom Software is a leading provider of Zero Trust secure access solutions that protect organizations from advanced cybersecurity threats. Leveraging innovative isolation capabilities and multiple secure remote access technologies, Ericom solutions enable simple, secure policy-driven access to mission-critical cloud and on-premises business systems and resources, including the public Internet, without impacting end-user productivity.

Virtual Desktop Strategies

Rising Importance of Network Virtualization

Article | July 26, 2022

Network virtualization combines network resources to integrate several physical networks, segment a network, or construct software networks among VMs. IT teams can construct numerous separate virtual networks using network virtualization. Virtual networks can be added and scaled without changing hardware. Teams can start up logical networks more rapidly in response to business needs using network virtualization. This adaptability improves service delivery, efficiency, and control. Importance of Network Virtualisation Network virtualization entails developing new rules for the delivery of network services. This involves software-defined data centers (SDDC), cloud computing, and edge computing. Virtualization assists in the transformation of networks from rigid, wasteful, and static to optimized, agile, and dynamic. To ensure agility and speed, modern virtual networks must keep up with the needs of cloud-hosted, decentralized applications while addressing cyberthreats. You can deploy and upgrade programs in minutes thanks to network virtualization. This eliminates the need to spend time setting up the infrastructure to accommodate the new applications. What is the Process of Network Virtualization? Several network functions that were previously done manually on hardware are now automated through network virtualisation. Network managers can construct, maintain, and provide networks programmatically in software while employing the hardware as a packet-forwarding backplane. Physical network resources, such as virtual private networks (VPNs), load balancing, firewalling, routing, and switching, are pooled and supplied in software. To do this, you merely require Internet Protocol (IP) packet forwarding from the hardware or physical network. Individual workloads, such as virtual machines, can access network services that have been distributed to a virtual layer. There are several kinds of virtual machines accessible. The finest virtual machines enable network administrators to access all parts of a network from a single point of access. Closing Lines Network virtualization will remain a critical component in both business and carrier network architectures. Network virtualization projects in the future will inevitably incorporate zero trust, automation, and edge and cloud computing.

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Virtual Desktop Tools, Server Hypervisors

Efficient Management of Virtual Machines using Orchestration

Article | June 8, 2023

Contents 1. Introduction 2. What is Orchestration? 3. How Orchestrating Help Optimize VMs Efficiency? 3.1. Resource Optimization 3.2 Dynamic Scaling 3.3 Faster Deployment 3.4 Improved Security 3.5 Multi-Cloud Management 3.6 Improved Collaboration 4. Considerations while Orchestrating VMs 4.1. Together Hosting of Containers and VMs 4.2 Automated Backup and Restore for VMs 4.3 Ensure Replication for VMs 4.4 Setup Data Synchronization for VMs 5. Conclusion 1. Introduction Orchestration is a superset of automation. Cloud orchestration goes beyond automation, providing coordination between multiple automated activities. Cloud orchestration is increasingly essential due to the growth of containerization, which facilitates scaling applications across clouds, both public and private. The demand for both public cloud orchestration and hybrid cloud orchestration has increased as businesses increasingly adopt a hybrid cloud architecture. The quick adoption of containerized, micro-services-based apps that communicate over APIs has fueled the desire for automation in deploying and managing applications across the cloud. This increase in complexity has created a need for VM orchestration that can manage numerous dependencies across various clouds with policy-driven security and management capabilities. 2. What is Orchestration? Orchestration refers to the process of automating, coordinating, and managing complex systems, workflows, or processes. It typically entails the use of automation tools and platforms to streamline and coordinate the deployment, configuration, management of applications and services across different environments. This includes development, testing, staging, and production. Orchestration tools in cloud computing can be used to automate the deployment and administration of containerized applications across multiple servers or clusters. These tools can help automate tasks such as container provisioning, scaling, load balancing, and health monitoring, making it easier to manage complex application environments. Orchestration ensures organizations automate and streamline their workflows, reduce errors and downtime, and improve the efficacy and scalability of their operations. 3. How Orchestrating Help Optimize VMs Efficiency? Orchestration offers enhanced visibility into the resources and processes in use, which helps prevent VM sprawl and helps organizations trace resource usage by department, business unit, or individual user. Fig. Global Market for VNFO by Virtualization Methodology 2022-27($ million) (Source: Insight Research) The above figure shows, VMs have established a solid legacy that will continue to be relevant in the near to mid-term future. These are 6 ways, in which Orchestration helps vin efficient management of VMs: 3.1. Resource Optimization Orchestrating helps optimize resource utilization by automating the provisioning and de-provisioning of VMs, which allows for efficient use of computing resources. By using orchestration tools, IT teams can set up rules and policies for automatically scaling VMs based on criteria such as CPU utilization, memory usage, network traffic, and application performance metrics. Orchestration also enables advanced techniques such as predictive analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to optimize resource utilization. These technologies can analyze historical data and identify patterns in workload demand, allowing the orchestration system to predict future resource needs and automatically provision or de-provision resources accordingly 3.2. Dynamic Scaling Orchestrating helps automate scaling of VMs, enabling organizations to quickly and easily adjust their computing resources based on demand. It enables IT teams to configure scaling policies and regulations for virtual machines based on resource utilization and network traffic along with performance metrics. When the workload demand exceeds a certain threshold, the orchestration system can autonomously provision additional virtual machines to accommodate the increased load. When workload demand decreases, the orchestration system can deprovision VMs to free up resources and reduce costs. 3.3. Faster Deployment Orchestrating can help automate VM deployment of VMs, reducing the time and effort required to provision new resources. By leveraging advanced technologies such as automation, scripting, and APIs, orchestration can further streamline the VM deployment process. It allows IT teams to define workflows and processes that can be automated using scripts, reducing the time and effort required to deploy new resources. In addition, orchestration can integrate with other IT management tools and platforms, such as cloud management platforms, configuration management tools, and monitoring systems. This enables IT teams to leverage various capabilities and services to streamline the VM deployment and improve efficiency. 3.4. Improved Security Orchestrating can help enhance the security of VMs by automating the deployment of security patches and updates. It also helps ensure VMs are deployed with the appropriate security configurations and settings, reducing the risk of misconfiguration and vulnerability. It enables IT teams to define standard security templates and configurations for VMs, which can be automatically applied during deployment. Furthermore, orchestration can integrate with other security tools and platforms, such as intrusion detection systems and firewalls, to provide a comprehensive security solution. It allows IT teams to automate the deployment of security policies and rules, ensuring that workloads remain protected against various security threats. 3.5. Multi-Cloud Management Orchestration helps provide a single pane of glass for VM management, enabling IT teams to monitor and manage VMs across multiple cloud environments from a single platform. This simplifies management and reduces complexity, enabling IT teams to respond more quickly and effectively to changing business requirements. In addition, orchestration also helps to ensure consistency and compliance across multiple cloud environments. Moreover, orchestration can also integrate with other multi-cloud management tools and platforms, such as cloud brokers and cloud management platforms, to provide a comprehensive solution for managing VMs across multiple clouds. 3.6. Improved Collaboration Orchestration helps streamline collaboration by providing a centralized repository for storing and sharing information related to VMs. Moreover, it also automates many of the routine tasks associated with VM management, reducing the workload for IT teams and freeing up time for more complex tasks. This can improve collaboration by enabling IT teams to focus on more strategic initiatives. In addition, orchestration provides advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, enabling IT teams to track performance, identify bottlenecks, and optimize resource utilization. This improves performance by providing a data-driven approach to VM management and allowing IT teams to work collaboratively to identify and address performance issues. 4. Considerations while Orchestrating VMs 4.1. Together Hosting of Containers and VMs Containers and virtual machines exist together within a single infrastructure and are managed by the same platform. This allows for hosting various projects using a unified management point and the ability to adapt gradually based on current needs and opportunities. This provides greater flexibility for teams to host and administer applications using cutting-edge technologies and established standards and methods. Moreover, as there is no need to invest in distinct physical servers for virtual machines (VMs) and containers, this approach can be a great way to maximize infrastructure utilization, resulting in lower TCO and higher ROI. In addition, unified management drastically simplifies processes, requiring fewer human resources and less time. 4.2. Automated Backup and Restore for VMs --Minimize downtime and reduce risk of data loss Organizations should set up automated backup and restore processes for virtual machines, ensuring critical data and applications are protected during a disaster. This involves scheduling regular backups of virtual machines to a secondary location or cloud storage and setting up automated restore processes to recover virtual machines during an outage or disaster quickly. 4.3. Ensure Replication for VMs --Ensure data and applications are available and accessible in the event of a disaster Organizations should set up replication processes for their VMs, allowing them to be automatically copied to a secondary location or cloud infrastructure. This ensures that critical applications and data are available even during a catastrophic failure at the primary site. 4.4. Setup Data Synchronization for VMs --Improve overall resilience and availability of the system VM orchestration tools should be used to set up data synchronization processes between virtual machines, ensuring that data is consistent and up-to-date across multiple locations. This is particularly important in scenarios where data needs to be accessed quickly from various locations, such as in distributed environments. 5. Conclusion Orchestration provides disaster recovery and business continuity, automatic scalability of distributed systems, and inter-service configuration. Cloud orchestration is becoming significant due to the advent of containerization, which permits scaling applications across clouds, both public and private. We expect continued growth and innovation in the field of VM orchestration, with new technologies and tools emerging to support more efficient and effective management of virtual machines in distributed environments. In addition, as organizations increasingly rely on cloud-based infrastructures and distributed systems, VM orchestration will continue to play a vital role in enabling businesses to operate smoothly and recover quickly from disruptions. VM orchestration will remain a critical component of disaster recovery and high availability strategies for years as organizations continue relying on virtualization technologies to power their operations and drive innovation.

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Server Hypervisors

Managing Multi-Cloud Complexities for a Seamless Experience

Article | September 9, 2022

Introduction The early 2000s were milestone moments for the cloud. Amazon Web Services (AWS) entered the market in 2006, while Google revealed its first cloud service in 2007. Fast forward to 2020, when the pandemic boosted digital transformation efforts by around seven years (according to McKinsey), and the cloud has become a commercial necessity today. It not only facilitated the swift transition to remote work, but it also remains critical in maintaining company sustainability and creativity. Many can argue that the large-scale transition to the cloud in the 2010s was necessary to enable the digital-first experiences that remote workers and decentralized businesses need today. Multi-cloud and hybrid cloud setups are now the norm. According to Gartner, most businesses today use a multi-cloud approach to reduce vendor lock-in or to take advantage of more flexible, best-of-breed solutions. However, managing multi-cloud systems increases cloud complexity, and IT concerns, frequently slowing rather than accelerating innovation. According to 2022 research done by IntelligentCIO, the average multi-cloud system includes five platforms, including AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and IBM Red Hat, among others. Managing Multi-Cloud Complexities Like a Pro Your multi-cloud strategy should satisfy your company's requirements while also laying the groundwork for managing various cloud deployments. Creating a proactive plan for managing multi-cloud setups is one of the finest features that can distinguish your company. The five strategies for handling multi-cloud complexity are outlined below. Managing Data with AI and ML AI and machine learning can help manage enormous quantities of data in multi-cloud environments. AI simulates human decision-making and performs tasks as well as humans or even better at times. Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that learns from data, recognizes patterns, and makes decisions with minimum human interaction. AI and ML to help discover the most important data, reducing big data and multi-cloud complexity. AI and machine learning enable more simplicity and better data control. Integrated Management Structure Keeping up with the growing number of cloud services from several providers requires a unified management structure. Multiple cloud management requires IT time, resources, and technology to juggle and correlate infrastructure alternatives. Routinely monitor your cloud resources and service settings. It's important to manage apps, clouds, and people globally. Ensure you have the technology and infrastructure to handle several clouds. Developing Security Strategy Operating multiple clouds requires a security strategy and seamless integration of security capabilities. There's no single right answer since vendors have varied policies and cybersecurity methods. Storing data on many cloud deployments prevents data loss. Handling backups and safety copies of your data are crucial. Regularly examine your multi-cloud network's security. The cyber threat environment will vary as infrastructure and software do. Multi-cloud strategies must safeguard data and applications. Skillset Management Multi-cloud complexity requires skilled operators. Do you have the appropriate IT personnel to handle multi-cloud? If not, can you use managed or cloud services? These individuals or people are in charge of teaching the organization about how each cloud deployment helps the company accomplish its goals. This specialist ensures all cloud entities work properly by utilizing cloud technologies. Closing Lines Traditional cloud monitoring solutions are incapable of dealing with dynamic multi-cloud setups, but automated intelligence is the best at getting to the heart of cloud performance and security concerns. To begin with, businesses require end-to-end observability in order to see the overall picture. Add automation and causal AI to this capacity, and teams can obtain the accurate answers they require to better optimize their environments, freeing them up to concentrate on increasing innovation and generating better business results.

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Virtual Desktop Tools

Why Are Businesses Tilting Towards VDI for Remote Employees?

Article | June 24, 2022

Although remote working or working from home became popular during the COVID era, did you know that the technology that gives the best user experience (UX) for remote work was developed more than three decades ago? Citrix was founded in 1989 as one of the first software businesses to provide the ability to execute any program on any device over any connection. In 2006, VMware coined the term "virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)" to designate their virtualization products. Many organizations created remote work arrangements in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the phenomenon will continue even in 2022. Organizations have used a variety of methods to facilitate remote work over the years. For businesses, VDI has been one of the most effective, allowing businesses to centralize their IT resources and give users remote access to a consolidated pool of computing capacity. Reasons Why Businesses Should Use VDI for their Remote Employees? Companies can find it difficult to scale their operations and grow while operating remotely. VDI, on the other hand, can assist in enhancing these efforts by eliminating some of the downsides of remote work. Device Agnostic As long as employees have sufficient internet connectivity, virtual desktops can accompany them across the world. They can use a tablet, phone, laptop, client side, or Mac to access the virtual desktop. Reduced Support Costs Since VDI setups can often be handled by a smaller IT workforce than traditional PC settings, support expenses automatically go down. Enhanced Security Data security is raised since data never leaves the datacenter. There's no need to be concerned about every hard disk in every computer containing sensitive data. Nothing is stored on the end machine while using the VDI workspace. It also safeguards intellectual property while dealing with contractors, partners, or a worldwide workforce. Comply with Regulations With virtual desktops, organizational data never leaves the data center. Remote employees that have regulatory duties to preserve client/patient data like function because there is no risk of data leaking out from a lost or stolen laptop or retired PC. Enhanced User Experience With a solid user experience (UX), employees can work from anywhere. They can connect to all of their business applications and tools from anywhere they want to call your workplace, exactly like sitting at their office desk, and even answer the phone if they really want to. Closing Lines One of COVID-19's lessons has been to be prepared for almost anything. IT leaders were probably not planning their investments with a pandemic in mind. Irrespective of how the pandemic plays out in the future, the rise of remote work is here to stay. If VDI at scale is to become a permanent feature of business IT strategies, now is the moment to assess where, when, and how your organization can implement the appropriate solutions. Moreover, businesses that use VDI could find that the added flexibility extends their computing refresh cycles.

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Ericom Software

Ericom Software is a leading provider of Zero Trust secure access solutions that protect organizations from advanced cybersecurity threats. Leveraging innovative isolation capabilities and multiple secure remote access technologies, Ericom solutions enable simple, secure policy-driven access to mission-critical cloud and on-premises business systems and resources, including the public Internet, without impacting end-user productivity.

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Lionbridge Wins Employee Engagement Award from The Conference Board

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Lionbridge Again Named One of America's Best Employers by Forbes

Lionbridge | April 17, 2019

Lionbridge Technologies is proud to announce it has again been named one of America's Best Employers by Forbes, which also recognized Lionbridge as a Best Employer for Women in 2018. The 2019 list recognizes organizations across a variety of industries that employ more than 1,000 people in the U.S. Working with Statista, Forbes deployed an independent survey to a representative sample of the US workforce and reached more than 50,000 employees overall. The rankings were mainly assessed based on the likelihood that an employee would recommend their employer to friends and family versus recommend a different employer. Other questions included inquiries about company culture, career development, gender equality, and compensation. "Our foundational priorities are our people and customers," said John Fennelly, CEO of Lionbridge. "We're very proud of the progress we've made in creating an environment that allows our talent to expand their skillsets and interests. This has also helped us accelerate our innovation efforts." Ann Lazarus-Barnes, Lionbridge's Chief People Officer, said the award is a testament to the company's dedication to its employees. "Our community's strength is an immeasurably important part of our success and we are always on the lookout for the best and brightest to join us," she said.

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Lionbridge Augments Artificial Intelligence Offering Through Acquisition of Gengo and

Lionbridge | January 16, 2019

Today, Lionbridge, one of the world’s most trusted global communications platforms, announced its acquisition of Gengo, a Tokyo-based, leading edge technology company providing crowdsourcing, machine learning and localization services to global customers. Lionbridge has a 20-year history of leveraging its 500,000 linguistic experts to help the world’s largest companies expand their businesses on the global stage by providing machine learning data to make their platforms and products smarter and create content for a variety of industries. The acquisition of Gengo will strengthen Lionbridge’s position in the machine learning and content relevance markets. This purchase includes, the company’s platform that provides AI training-data services delivered by a fast and efficient crowdsourced network of highly specialized contributors. “Gengo is a key acquisition for us that immediately complements our core strategic initiatives,” said John Fennelly, Lionbridge CEO. “It will accelerate our ability to penetrate new markets in the artificial intelligence space; it bolsters our human capital pool by bringing an extremely talented team assembled by Matthew Romaine into our company; and Gengo’s advanced technology platform will become a key part of our localization delivery system. In addition to those very tangible benefits, we’ll add to our already formidable capabilities in Asia, and this will give us a deeper set of technology tools to increase our market share in the local games and life sciences markets.”

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Lionbridge Wins Employee Engagement Award from The Conference Board

Lionbridge | July 10, 2019

Lionbridge, the world's most trusted global communications platform, is pleased to announce that it has won the Technology division award for Employee Engagement in the Conference Board's Excellence in Marketing & Communications Awards Program. This prestigious program honors organizations for their innovative use of communications technologies. Last year, Lionbridge developed a new intranet known as The Bridge to help its more than 6,000 employees around the world live out its mission to break barriers and build bridges. The Bridge has supported the change management and transformation of Lionbridge by reenergizing and reengaging the global "Pride." It has created a direct feedback loop between senior management and a global workforce and improved communication and collaboration across departments and countries. "Each year, we highlight how organizations across different industries have achieved their goals through their integration of innovative technologies into their communications and marketing strategies," said Jen McClure, Principal Distinguished Fellow at The Conference Board's Marketing & Communications Center, and Chair of the Center's awards program. "We are very pleased to honor and showcase the pioneering work of Lionbridge as part of this year's awards program."

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Lionbridge Again Named One of America's Best Employers by Forbes

Lionbridge | April 17, 2019

Lionbridge Technologies is proud to announce it has again been named one of America's Best Employers by Forbes, which also recognized Lionbridge as a Best Employer for Women in 2018. The 2019 list recognizes organizations across a variety of industries that employ more than 1,000 people in the U.S. Working with Statista, Forbes deployed an independent survey to a representative sample of the US workforce and reached more than 50,000 employees overall. The rankings were mainly assessed based on the likelihood that an employee would recommend their employer to friends and family versus recommend a different employer. Other questions included inquiries about company culture, career development, gender equality, and compensation. "Our foundational priorities are our people and customers," said John Fennelly, CEO of Lionbridge. "We're very proud of the progress we've made in creating an environment that allows our talent to expand their skillsets and interests. This has also helped us accelerate our innovation efforts." Ann Lazarus-Barnes, Lionbridge's Chief People Officer, said the award is a testament to the company's dedication to its employees. "Our community's strength is an immeasurably important part of our success and we are always on the lookout for the best and brightest to join us," she said.

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