Bloor Research endorses Redgates data masking solution

In its latest report, the independent research and analyst house, Bloor, identifies Redgate as an innovator in the test data management space, and states the software company is uniquely positioned in offering a solution to mid-market businesses as well as enterprises. One approach is to use synthetic data generation which, while it prevents sensitive information from reaching development environments, involves significant bottlenecks. Other methods like restoring from backups and data subsetting have been used but are unable to meet the demands of contemporary database development. Instead, many are choosing to combine data masking with data virtualization to provision realistic yet anonymized data quickly and efficiently. Secondly, alongside its data masking capability, SQL Provision uses Microsofts proven virtualization technology to creates database copies which are a fraction of the size of the original. This enables the copies, or clones, to be created in seconds, with the data in those copies automatically masked.



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