Building the mobile carrier of the future with AI

While we are in the midst of one of the most exciting times in telecommunications history — driven by things like 5G, Wi-Fi 6, virtualization, and transformation of networks its easy to focus on what the future might bring, as opposed to what operator networks are already capable of doing today. The reality is that mobile carriers dont have to wait for the future to arrive because they are already sitting on top of a veritable goldmine.The goldmine is made up of massive amounts of data that traverse telecom networks. Today’s core networks are made of expensive, heavy-duty equipment optimized for transporting this data. They werent designed with data analytics in mind. As a result, most operators havent yet developed effective strategies to transform user data flows into actionable customer insights. Let alone take it to the next stage to become analytics-driven, digital businesses that can compete with OTTs on customer intelligence.



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