The state of telco cloud adoption The view from VMware

The telco cloud conversation has been ongoing for some time as communications service providers look to build networks that provide the agility and dynamic service delivery generally associated with web scale players. But, as 5G is quickly becoming available around the world, the importance of “cloudifying increasingly IT-centric networks is poised to be a major differentiator in the marketplace.In a conversation with RCR Wireless News, VMware Vice President of Solutions for Telco NFV Gabriele Di Piazza shared his perspective on the current state of telco cloud maturity and looked ahead to how the combination of 5G and latency-sensitive applications will prompt further investment in virtualized, distributed cloud infrastructure.He said VMware has about 70 communication service provider customers in production, serving up a variety of use cases for approximately 600 million subscribers. The process started with adoption of network functions virtualization and is evolving more broadly into pervasive telco cloud.



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