Follow seven steps to seamlessly migrate to Azure Virtual Desktop

August 6, 2021

Enable a secure, remote desktop experience that’s cost-effective, simple to deploy, and easy to manage. Migrate your on-premises Remote Desktop Services infrastructure to Azure Virtual Desktop with step-by-step guidance and resources.

Download 7 Migration Steps to Azure Virtual Desktop to learn how to:
  • Define the best and most cost-efficient migration plan and put it into action with Azure Migrate.
  • Migrate to production seamlessly and get users up and running quickly.
  • Access additional resources and support options to help you successfully deploy your Azure Virtual Desktop environment.



Amdocs is a leading software and services provider to communications and media companies of all sizes, accelerating the industry’s dynamic and continuous digital transformation. With a rich set of innovative solutions, long-term business relationships with 350 communications and media providers, and technology and distribution ties to 600 content creators, Amdocs delivers business improvements to drive growth. Amdocs and its 25,000 employees serve customers in over 85 countries. Listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market, Amdocs had revenue of $4.0 billion in fiscal 2018.

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Amdocs is a leading software and services provider to communications and media companies of all sizes, accelerating the industry’s dynamic and continuous digital transformation. With a rich set of innovative solutions, long-term business relationships with 350 communications and media providers, and technology and distribution ties to 600 content creators, Amdocs delivers business improvements to drive growth. Amdocs and its 25,000 employees serve customers in over 85 countries. Listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market, Amdocs had revenue of $4.0 billion in fiscal 2018.
