5 common misconfigurations that threaten your public cloud resilience

Join Avi Aharon, Head of Cloud Business, in an open discussion with Iris Zarecki, our Head of Marketing, about the state of public cloud resiliency, featuring 5 common mistakes that threaten your public cloud infrastructure resiliency.
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Mastering Azure Virtual Desktop: Webinar with Ryan Mangan

Azure Virtual Desktop is a cloud desktop virtualization platform that securely delivers virtual desktops and remote applications. It can be integrated with Parallels RAS® to deploy virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solutions in a secure, fast, and reliable cloud environment.
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WVD/Azure Virtual Desktop Sizing Guidance for Enterprises

This one contains sizing and performance-related information, including FSLogix on Windows 10 Enterprise Multi-session and a sneak preview of Login VSI’s latest Task, Office, and Knowledge Worker profiles. Lastly, Blair also shows you some clever testing automation and ways to find the perfect Azure instance for your remote workforce.
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Vantage Virtualization


Virtualization trends of our customers Review of virtualization technology approaches Comparison of on-prem, public cloud, and SaaS Vantage phase 1 virtualization Future virtualization considerations Pricing options and challenges Q&A and open discussion.
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Continuous Compliance and DevSecOps in Times of GDPR, HIPAA and SOX


Developers, operators, and corporate executives all agree that compliance with security and regulatory requirements is critical, but many find that enforcing security through manual scans and “best efforts” at the end of the cycle wastes staff time and adds days or weeks to the release schedule. Once the required environments are built, tested, and certified, today’s customer-centric product owners are already longing to push out the next set of changes, absorbing even more of IT Operations’ time to scramble for security and compliance solutions.
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