How VMware NSX fits into VCF and the common reasons for adoption

VMware NSX
NSX-T can enhance and simplify the data centre environment with network virtualisation, as well as deliver immediate benefits to the business workload level to prevent the lateral spread of threats, and, due to its true cloud hybridity, security rules follow applications and workloads even across multi-cloud environments.
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How MSPs Can Make the Transition to Managed Security

Cybersecurity is the #1 revenue opportunity for MSPs, but the challenges of transitioning to cybersecurity has left some MSPs behind. From hiring and training staff to building a security stack, building a profitable managed security service requires careful selection of the services to be provided and the tools needed to deliver them. In this webinar, join Channel Futures Contributor, George Mellor, and Vade’s Head of US Sales Eric Courtwright, as they explore how MSPs can take advantage of cybersecurity opportunities and develop a master plan for growth. You’ll learn tips for building a scalable managed security service and avoiding the profit margin killers that can stunt growth. Register for the webinar to learn about: Why cybersecurity is the top growth driver for MSPs How to identify cybersecurity opportunities How to build a manageable security stack Why tool selection is crucial to scalability
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The Death of Network Hardware Appliances – and the Evolution of Cloud-Native Architectures

When organizations need to protect their on-premises networks, IT departments typically turn to old, legacy hardware boxes. These hardware boxes are expensive, hard to manage, and slow. To complicate matters further, legacy approaches to connectivity (re: MPLS) and security (re: on-premises firewall and DDoS “scrubbing centers”) just don’t work for today’s distributed workforce and cloud-hosted applications
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Understanding Wireless Network Validation and Data Gathering

Performing a survey is a key component of successfully validating a wireless network design or troubleshooting and managing your network. Surveys help you determine if your design will meet the network requirements, or help diagnose a problem. Whether you are performing an indoor or outdoor survey, there are different strategies and approaches. However, in all scenarios, you have to start with the right tools. The right tools help you survey faster and easier, allowing you to get accurate and reliable data for your network. What tools are you using? What do your survey results say?
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Webinar: Network Security in the 5G and IoT Environment

Sdxcentral LLC

There has been an increasing demand for 24×7 high-speed internet access globally. Currently, 42.1 billion IoT devices exist. By 2020, this number is expected to be 50.1 billion. 2020 is the beginning of a mass rollout of 5G networks. By 2025, leaders of the 5G market will be Asia (primarily China & Japan), Europe, and the United States. Can mobile service providers create a secure environment that protects customers’ data and devices in time for the launch of 5G?
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