Accelerating Cloud Modernization with Data Virtualization With Sirius and Denodo

Creating a modern data platform that is designed to support your current and future needs is critical in a data-driven organization. Business leaders need to be able to quickly access data—and to trust the accuracy of that data—to make better decisions. One of the biggest obstacles that organizations face is poorly integrated data. Data virtualization can help by allowing you to gain a single view of your data without moving it.
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Leveraging the Power of the Cloud to Protect VMware Data


While virtualization has provided storage pros with the ability to overcome the limitations of on-premises physical servers—gaining more flexibility and optimization for compute and storage utilization—the data protection strategy continues to be complex and expensive. With over 90% of organizations moving to the cloud, IT professionals are looking for a unified, scalable and flexible solution to protect their virtualized workloads on-premises and in the cloud, while freeing their applications from the limits of legacy infrastructure.
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Virtualizing Exadata with Kernel Virtual Machine

Join us for the next session in our Exadata Master Class series where we will look at KVM (Kernel Virtual Machine) and its features and best practices as this being the only virtualization available on X8M. As many customers are new, and still getting used to KVM, we will also touch on differences between OVM vs. KVM and what changes or considerations to plan when moving from other VM platforms
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Citrix and Microsoft: A Tale of Two Clouds


It was the best of times, it was the worst of time. As organizations of all sizes and professions embark on their cloud journey they may face many concerns on which cloud and what workloads to move to the cloud. This session will address that journey and how Citrix and Microsoft are poised to meet organizations wherever they are on the great cloud migration.
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Pragmatic Approach to Achieving Programmable Network Automation


Network automation is the latest catchphrase to hit the networking space. Hot on the heels of SDN, NFV, and intent-based networking, network automation has been used as an umbrella term to encompass all manner of programmable approaches to automating network configuration and control. Many network engineers who may already have collections of standard operating procedures, template config files, scripts in varying languages, are confused about how to embark on a path to network automation. Incorporating developers into a NetOps team introduces a variety of tools and strategies that should be aligned into your network automation journey.
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