AppTemplate: Data-Centric Infrastructure from NetApp

There are more things engineers need to worry about than ever—infrastructure shouldn’t be one of them. That’s why NetApp has developed the AppTemplate service.
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The future of virtualization

Red Hat

Virtualization is here to stay. That much is clear. But, we’ve all seen the rise of cloud-native applications running in containers, and with that the rise of Kubernetes as the preeminent container orchestration platform. As an open source technology for container deployment, management, and orchestration, Kubernetes becomes the de facto standard and is gaining momentum in adoption. Join this webinar to learn how virtualization is evolving. We’ll explore:The relationship between containers and virtual machines (VMs)—today and into the future. Kubernetes as the de facto standard for container deployment, management, and orchestration.
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Designing an IAM Blueprint and Deploying a Federated Identity Service Based on Virtualization

Radiant Logic

Organizations process and store huge volumes of sensitive information that belong to their customers and employees – from financial information to medical records to personal identifiers, like social security numbers and birthdates. Inadequate controls in IAM processes and technology can lead to breach, involuntary exposure of this data, and non-compliance issues. But you cannot correct what you don’t know, so the first step in any IAM program is assessment.
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Data Warehouse Modernization using Data Virtualization

The challenges with data warehouse modernization projects. How Data Virtualization can minimize the impact and lessen the risk of these projects. How Vancouver Coastal Health use Data Virtualization in their data warehouse modernization project.
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Enable Secure Remote Work Using Windows Virtual Desktop

Come learn what’s new with Windows Virtual Desktop and how you can use it for remote work. Rapidly deploy virtual desktops and apps with Windows 10 and Windows Server on Azure. Use key partner solutions such as Citrix Cloud and VMware Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure. Help improve security for remote work using built-in Azure and Microsoft 365 security features and management policies.
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