Assuring Performance in Hybrid Cloud Ecosystem

In the digital age, quality of service (QOS) and user experience are the keys to competitive advantage. With the rapid adoption of hybrid clouds, assuring the performance of applications running in hybrid cloud ecosystems has become business-critical. The reality is that the explosion of new cloud-based IT services may not simplify performance management. In fact, since clouds are operating models the heterogeneous nature of hybrid and multi-cloud deployments makes performance management even more challenging.
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Pragmatic Approach to Achieving Programmable Network Automation


Network automation is the latest catchphrase to hit the networking space. Hot on the heels of SDN, NFV, and intent-based networking, network automation has been used as an umbrella term to encompass all manner of programmable approaches to automating network configuration and control. Many network engineers who may already have collections of standard operating procedures, template config files, scripts in varying languages, are confused about how to embark on a path to network automation. Incorporating developers into a NetOps team introduces a variety of tools and strategies that should be aligned into your network automation journey.
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Remote Access & VPN Risks in the New Cybersecurity Scenario

With most employees working from home amid today’s COVID-19 outbreak, VPN and remote access to enterprise resources have drastically increased. This is a huge challenge for the IT and security departments as many security experts believe that the current VPN deployments are designed for a small percentage of employees of the organizations and not for the overwhelming number of teleworkers who now need to access them repeatedly throughout the workday.
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Managing VMware Environments with Thycotic Secret Server


In today’s world, virtualization is everywhere and it’s important to properly manage the privileged accounts. With Thycotic Secret Server you are able to find these privileged accounts in virtual environments and help your team manage, control and rotate those passwords. From ESXi to vCenter, learn how to get it all accessed and controlled from a single application while providing security and full auditing capabilities.
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Business continuity that's unshakable: Establishing a digital workplace of tomorrow with Microsoft WVD

As teams around the world focus on health and safety and move to remote work, we want to do our part to support our customers’ efforts to stay connected and collaborate in a hasslefree and secure manner. That’s why we are teaming up with Nipun, Azure Cloud expert from Microsoft, for a live webinar on Friday, 3rd April, 2020, from 10:30 am to 11:30 am to understand how to achieve business continuity at its best with Windows Virtual Desktop.
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