Big Data Analytics with 'Spark': The New Poster boy of Big Data

"Data is the new science. Big Data holds the answers." - Pat Gelsinger, the CEO of VMware, Inc. Organizations use their data to support and influence decisions and build data-intensive products and services, such as recommendation, prediction, and diagnostic systems. Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing ,built around speed, ease of use, and sophisticated analytics. It was originally developed at UC Berkeley in 2009.Spark is a good fit for the Hadoop open-source community as its built on top of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
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Simplify Oracle Virtualization without Licensing Issues


If you run Oracle, you are likely contending with challenges with the increasing size and complexity of your database environments. In order to simplify operations, many enterprises are implementing virtualization technologies like VMWare. But difficulties still persist relative to the lack of granularity and performance overhead of heavily virtualized Oracle environments. In addition, how can you intelligently manage cost reduction associated with software licensing when using virtualization?
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IT Service Management in the Cloud - 8 Keys To Success


Computing trends like BYOD and Cloud are changing the business landscape and the types of IT systems management software nd support that companies require. The answer for many organisations comes in the form of Cloud-based service management, which offers many benefits including cost savings, efficiency, security, availability and the alignment of IT objectives with the overall business strategies.
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VMware ELA webinar


Check out our on-demand webinar on the VMware enterprise licensing agreement (ELA) to learn about. How you can save up to 40% on VMware licensing, support and services. Best practices to close skills gaps and optimize VMware spending over time. How to unlock complementary Softchoice services and support with the Lifecycle Advantage Program. Whether you already have an ELA, or want help transforming your IT and slashing costs with VMware, this webinar is for you.
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vSAN 7.0 – Modernize Your Infrastructure for the Cloud

Following VMware Cloud Foundation, we will then explore the latest VMware vSAN concepts and functionality. Not only will we explore real-world use cases, we’ll also debunk common misconceptions and myths surrounding the technology. Learn why 50% of Fortune 2000 customers have deployed vSAN 7.0.
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