How To Drive Hybrid Cloud Success With VMware Cloud On AWS

Organizations are shifting to a service-oriented IT model to meet the demands for faster innovation. To do this, IT teams are modernizing their existing infrastructure by extending or migrating to public clouds. With this modernization comes challenges, including the struggle for IT teams to accelerate cloud deployment while maintaining operational consistency and maximizing existing resource investments.
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How Automated 5G QoE Testing can Maximize Customer Retention

Subscribers expect their mobile operator to deliver a seamless Quality of Experience when using voice, video services and OTT applications and in a highly competitive market, ensuring QoE is a key factor to avoid churn. With the emergence of 5G and the demanding commercial use cases it enables, avoiding degradation of QoE becomes critical to secure operators’ revenue. Therefore, automated testing solutions that deliver real-time visibility of QoE from the end user perspective are essential to diagnose and resolve network issues before customers become affected.
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Beyond SDN: How Intent is Changing How We Network

Software-defined networking (SDN) has defined networking for the past ten years. It's been hugely influential: helping network engineers achieve much needed improvements in automation, agility and efficiency. SDN has its limits, and it's now time to look beyond SDN and day 0 and day 1 automation and into a future that continually aligns the network and business intent.
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Modernize your network to meet the demands of modern workloads

The evolution of networks has seen a shift from legacy, proprietary technologies that are hardware-bound to modern, open technologies that are software-driven. As seen with the rapid adoption of server virtualization throughout data centers, today’s organizations are embracing the disaggregated approach of software-defined networking that bring enhanced efficiency, agility and security. Our vision for the network is open. In this session, explore Dell Technologies broadest open networking portfolios - spanning both hardware and software. The industry has recognized us for leadership in opening up the network through disaggregation of networking hardware and software, providing customers choice based on their unique needs.
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Discover the value of Azure VMware Solution (AVS) that TCS can unlock for your organization

We know that organizations continue to rely on VMware and Microsoft solutions in their data centers. After years of investing in the technologies and skillsets required to operate and manage them, in some cases, it may not be economically viable to modernize legacy application even if one could benefit from the scale and flexibility of a cloud native model.
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