As ransomware attackers continue to become more aggressive, your organization needs the right security tactics to keep your data and employees safe. Join Insight and VMWare for an on-demand security webinar where you will learn how to detect, prevent and eradicate these attacks before they become destructive.
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Increase your VMW skills at your own pace with personalized VMware Learning Zone (VLZ) Learning Paths, technical classes taught by VMware Certified instructors, and insights from fellow learners in our VLZ communities. This will be a hands-on demo of new features and resources such as prerequisite ICM on-demand classes as well as exam prep content, all now available in VLZ to help you develop your product expertise or prepare for your VMware certification exam.
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The advance of automation, virtualization and cloud technology has enabled faster software development than we’ve ever known. So why do so many companies ultimately fail to realize lasting improvements in the delivery speed and quality of new software? Simply repeating our old ways of equipping development and test teams in the cloud with more infrastructure can generate initial gains, but without coordination it falls flat. Join Orasi, Delphix and Skytap for this high value webinar, and learn about collaborative techniques for making development and test automation plans sing, by running in sync with just-in-time virtual data and virtual environments that closely resemble production.
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Network automation is the latest catchphrase to hit the networking space. Hot on the heels of SDN, NFV, and intent-based networking, network automation has been used as an umbrella term to encompass all manner of programmable approaches to automating network configuration and control. Many network engineers who may already have collections of standard operating procedures, template config files, scripts in varying languages, are confused about how to embark on a path to network automation. Incorporating developers into a NetOps team introduces a variety of tools and strategies that should be aligned into your network automation journey.
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