Introducing TIBCO Data Virtualization 8

Ten times faster, TIBCO Data Virtualization 8 sets the standard for big data scale data virtualization with unique and significant advancements in scalability, performance, and workload management.Watch this webinar to hear about the exciting new features in the upcoming release of TIBCO Data Virtualization. Learn about the new massively parallel processing engine (MPP) that enables big data scale workloads, federating queries across data lakes, data marts, and your enterprise data warehouse. Other exciting new features include granular workload management, new data adapters, and developer productivity enhancements for ease of use.
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The Tenth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization


Cloud economics ,Core cloud services, Cloud technologies, Cloud computing, On-demand computing models; Hardware-as-a-service; Software-as-a-service SaaS applications; Platform-as-service; Storage as a service in cloud; Data-as-a-Service; Service-oriented architecture (SOA); Cloud computing programming and application development; Scalability, discovery of services and data in Cloud computing infrastructures; Trust and clouds; Client-cloud computing challenges; Geographical constraints for deploying clouds.
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Why Advanced Monitoring is Key for Healthy Enterprise Deployments

The use of Data Virtualization as a global delivery layer means that Denodo is a critical component of the data architecture. It cannot fail, needs to be fault tolerant and perform as designed. In this context, enterprise level-monitoring is key to make sure the virtual layer is in good health and proactively detect potential issues. Fortunately, Denodo provides a full suite of monitoring capabilities and integrates with leading monitoring tools like Splunk, Elastic and CloudWatch.
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Live Hack: VPN vs. Zero Trust Network Access

VPNs are risky and clunky, which frustrate users and cause admin complexity. This outdated VPN – used by many organizations for routing Work from Home employees and 3rd Party traffic – is easily hackable and has become a growing favorite for cybercriminals to exploit, which, if successful, could allow them full access to your entire corporate network. This demo showcases how and where VPNs fail us and why the Appgate SDP Zero Trust Network Access platform offers a superior approach. Live Hack Topics Include: – VPN Exposed Ports vs. ZTNA Invisible Ports – VPN Lateral Attack Surface vs. ZTNA Micro-segmented Resources – VPN Scale Limitations vs. ZTNA Elasticity
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Webinar: Intelligent Cloud Planning, Migration, and Optimization

Sdxcentral LLC

Thinking if the public cloud is right for you? Trying to more intelligently plan cloud adoption without expensive and manual efforts? Already on the cloud and trying to solve cost and security, governance concerns?As you consider public cloud, you’re challenged to make your organization’s cloud journey as seamless and cost-efficient as possible. Learn best practices on how you can build a hybrid, multi-cloud environment that is cost-efficient and productive while maintaining security and seamless application delivery.
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