Live Hack: VPN vs. Zero Trust Network Access

VPNs are risky and clunky, which frustrate users and cause admin complexity. This outdated VPN – used by many organizations for routing Work from Home employees and 3rd Party traffic – is easily hackable and has become a growing favorite for cybercriminals to exploit, which, if successful, could allow them full access to your entire corporate network. This demo showcases how and where VPNs fail us and why the Appgate SDP Zero Trust Network Access platform offers a superior approach. Live Hack Topics Include: – VPN Exposed Ports vs. ZTNA Invisible Ports – VPN Lateral Attack Surface vs. ZTNA Micro-segmented Resources – VPN Scale Limitations vs. ZTNA Elasticity
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Protecting Workloads in Amazon Web Services


There’s no question that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the “big dog” amongst public cloud vendors. With a market share of over 60%, many companies look at AWS first when making a decision to adopt public cloud. A big question that users ask during this process is, “How can I protect my data in AWS?”
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Webinar: Container Security Shifts Left to Get it Right – Real-World Lessons


Containers have become the preferred application development and deployment platform for new applications in both enterprises and service providers. In addition, companies are also looking to repackage and deploy existing applications within container environments. However, one of the most common concerns brought up by CIOs, CSOs and infrastructure technologists alike, is that of potentially reduced security – especially when compared to VM platforms. The reality is quite different. Containers can be a vehicle for improving data center and application security, but it does take putting in the right processes and laying the right foundation.
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Learn How Transdev Slashed Disaster Recovery Costs by 73%

Cloud Endure

In this webinar, learn how one enterprise evaluated and chose a disaster recovery solution to protect its mission-critical workloads. Global transit firm Transdev describes how it worked with its IT partner, Gekko, to find a customizable solution utilizing CloudEndure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) as its recovery site. Gain insight into how this data-driven company implemented a new disaster recovery strategy to achieve IT resilience at a cost reduction of 73% compared to traditional solutions.
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Digital Transformation with APM 4.0


Register to watch the on-demand webinar to discover how Industry 4.0 and Asset Performance Management solutions including predictive maintenance, mobility, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) empower companies to Improve asset performance over the entire asset lifecycle.
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