MSP Voice Webinar Series #3: VMRacks HIPAA Compliant Cloud Recording

On Tuesday, January 22, 2019, I hosted Gil Vidals from VMRacks to talk about their HIPAA Compliant Cloud. VMRacks isn’t a vendor offering MSPs a place to host but rather a MSP themselves.Gil gave some great insight into how they got started as well as how they’ve setup security for their hosting business. Some of their security measures a secret but you still get a good idea of why it’s important to have multiple layers in your cloud deployments. VMRacks is able offer a great value because they use a lot of open source software.
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The business case for 5G mmWave: Charting a path to ROI

While there are clear challenges associated with the propagation characteristics and cost of densely deploying 5G using millimeter wave frequencies, the high-band spectrum offers unique advantageous. In addition to providing multi-Gbps user experiences, 5G mmWave allows operators to add huge amounts of capacity in localized hot zones.
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How Data Virtualization Enables Data Scientists


Data science requires vast amounts of data. And that too from multiple sources. Data virtualization integrates the data across these disparate sources and provides a unified view of the data to data science algorithms. With it, data scientists can deliver important answers to business questions that enable the business users to perform their functions efficiently.
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Addressing the Risk of Unpatched Virtual Machines

With pass-the-hash and other horizontal kill chain techniques all attackers need is one unpatched system to get started. Then as long as they can find another system – and it doesn't have to be an “important” system – to compromise they can keep moving along the horizontal kill chain until they finally reach pay dirt either in the form of a domain wide privileged account or the information itself that they seek. That's why for the past few years I've been saying you have to do everything right on every system. We've seen over and over again that it only takes one system.
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The Networked Approach to Data Virtualization

In this session, we go through the fundamental differences between operational data virtualization and analytical virtualization, while demonstrating the Zetaris’ Networked Data Platform approach, and the optionality it provides, as an essential part of any successful data strategy in today’s big data world.
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