Optimizing Citrix VDI for the Enterprise Cloud with Nutanix and eG Innovations

From pilot to production, eg enterprise enables comprehensive, end-to-end monitoring of citrix vdi. with its industry-leading enterprise cloud platform, nutanix elevates it by making the hyper-converged infrastructure invisible and empowering organizations to focus on what matters most application performance.together, nutanix and eg innovations offer a fully validated, hypervisor-agnostic platform designed to optimize the deployment, management, and scale of citrix vdi environments. the goal? to avoid performance degradation and deliver the best user experience.
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Introducing TIBCO Data Virtualization 8


Ten times faster, TIBCO Data Virtualization 8 sets the standard for big data scale data virtualization with unique and significant advancements in scalability, performance, and workload management.Watch this webinar to hear about the exciting new features in the upcoming release of TIBCO Data Virtualization. Learn about the new massively parallel processing engine (MPP) that enables big data scale workloads, federating queries across data lakes, data marts, and your enterprise data warehouse. Other exciting new features include granular workload management, new data adapters, and developer productivity enhancements for ease of use.
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Why Choose Between Virtualization and Real-Time When You Can Actually Have Both

Today's solutions go beyond legacy hypervisor approaches, achieving the highest levels of freedom from interference (FFI), Functional Safety (FuSa), and the best multi-core performance in the embedded market. eSOL explained how to provide the best aspects of virtualization and real-time operating-system performance with the latest development tools in this webinar.
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Cloud Academy Deep Dive: Measuring Skill Profiles and Analytics


While anyone can offer their team cloud training through a set of curriculum, the real challenge is being able to tie learning back to potential business results. With technology constantly changing, organizations need to find ways to assess the capabilities of their teams while discovering how to best train them for upcoming projects. Our end-to-end analytics and skill assessment platform provides senior leadership and corporate learning departments the needed visibility to take a quantified, data-driven approach to understanding organizational capabilities, including identifying skills gaps, addressing training opportunities, and performing ongoing assessments to measure competency.
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Addressing the Risk of Unpatched Virtual Machines

With pass-the-hash and other horizontal kill chain techniques all attackers need is one unpatched system to get started. Then as long as they can find another system – and it doesn't have to be an “important” system – to compromise they can keep moving along the horizontal kill chain until they finally reach pay dirt either in the form of a domain wide privileged account or the information itself that they seek. That's why for the past few years I've been saying you have to do everything right on every system. We've seen over and over again that it only takes one system.
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