Pragmatic Approach to Achieving Programmable Network Automation

Network automation is the latest catchphrase to hit the networking space. Hot on the heels of SDN, NFV, and intent-based networking, network automation has been used as an umbrella term to encompass all manner of programmable approaches to automating network configuration and control. Many network engineers who may already have collections of standard operating procedures, template config files, scripts in varying languages, are confused about how to embark on a path to network automation. Incorporating developers into a NetOps team introduces a variety of tools and strategies that should be aligned into your network automation journey.
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Data Warehouse Modernization using Data Virtualization

The challenges with data warehouse modernization projects. How Data Virtualization can minimize the impact and lessen the risk of these projects. How Vancouver Coastal Health use Data Virtualization in their data warehouse modernization project.
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How to Upgrade Your vSphere to the Latest and Greatest


With vSphere as your foundational hypervisor layer, keeping up to date with the latest versions is essential to ensure the most efficient and secure experience. With vSphere 5.5 end of general support coming up quickly on September 19, 2018, and vSphere 6.5U2 and vSphere 6.7 general availability, you may be wondering which way to go. Attend this technical webcast to understand the benefits of upgrading directly from the vSphere upgrade experts.
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Solve Downtime in the Cloud

Cloud Endure

Building your disaster recovery plan in the AWS cloud can be tricky when compared to on-premise methodologies.In this webinar, we provide an overview of cloud disaster recovery strategies for AWS that range from custom-built applications to market-ready solutions, such as CloudEndure.
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Virtual Trials vs Trial Virtualization

Prior to the global pandemic, virtualization technologies were slow to adoption, with most large scale trials operating in traditional clinical settings. Now, the virtualization of clinical trials has become the industry’s new focus. In this session, Anthony Costello, President of Patient Cloud, will be speaking on a panel with Irfan Khan (Circuit Clinical) and Rosamund Round (Parexel), moderated by Craig Lipset (Clinical Innovation Partners).
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