Solve Downtime in the Cloud

Building your disaster recovery plan in the AWS cloud can be tricky when compared to on-premise methodologies.In this webinar, we provide an overview of cloud disaster recovery strategies for AWS that range from custom-built applications to market-ready solutions, such as CloudEndure.
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5 steps to secure remote access

In this webinar, our in-house product expert will talk about: The key findings on cybercrime activities this year. Securing RDP endpoints with advanced authenticators. Securing VPN access to ensure regulatory compliance. Enforcing conditional access to resources.
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Why Choose Between Virtualization and Real-Time When You Can Actually Have Both

Today's solutions go beyond legacy hypervisor approaches, achieving the highest levels of freedom from interference (FFI), Functional Safety (FuSa), and the best multi-core performance in the embedded market. eSOL explained how to provide the best aspects of virtualization and real-time operating-system performance with the latest development tools in this webinar.
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Desktop Virtualization Everything you Ever Wanted to Know

The global pandemic has very well changed the very DNA of our work culture. As more and more organizations make the shift to cloud, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is ushering in a work from home -friendly scenario. While this is making the lives of many IT admins easier, with the reduced dependencies on infrastructure.
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Enabling Closed Loop Assurance through Real-time Analytics with EXFO


One of the advantages of software-defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV) is the ability to modify the network on the fly. A closed feedback loop between the service assurance solution and the orchestration system enables network self-healing and self-optimization when providing mission critical services. By identifying performance issues we can take immediate action to solve problems or improve service reliability, thus reducing mean time to repair (MTTR).
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