As hybrid workplaces become more normalized, organizations in every industry must adjust to the unique demands of a post-pandemic world. A major concern companies are navigating is keeping remote teams connected and secure while not disrupting day-to-day operations or compromising the customer experience.
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In this webinar we intend to help you understand not only what Data Virtualization is but why it's a critical component of any organization's data fabric and how it fits. How data virtualization liberates and empowers your business users via data discovery, data wrangling to generation of reusable reporting objects and data services. Digital transformation demands that we empower all consumers of data within the organization, it also demands agility too. Data Virtualization gives you meaningful access to information that can be shared by a myriad of consumers.
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We know there’s a lot of discussion regarding WVD and how it will work in existing environments, and we’re here to shed some light!
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The advance of automation, virtualization and cloud technology has enabled faster software development than we’ve ever known. So why do so many companies ultimately fail to realize lasting improvements in the delivery speed and quality of new software? Simply repeating our old ways of equipping development and test teams in the cloud with more infrastructure can generate initial gains, but without coordination it falls flat. Join Orasi, Delphix and Skytap for this high value webinar, and learn about collaborative techniques for making development and test automation plans sing, by running in sync with just-in-time virtual data and virtual environments that closely resemble production.
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