Virtual Desktop Strategies

Radioip partners with nextnav for vertical location intelligence in vpn client

RadioIP, a leader in secure mobile communications, has selected NextNav, the leader in vertical location positioning, to empower its industry-leading VPN solutions with mission-critical z-axis location intelligence.

While mobile apps are used in many operations, many users need options that provide the ability to be tracked without being visible to others. With this partnership, first responders and security agencies can ensure personnel are safe and securely located, and that command can have the situational awareness required, without fear of their mission being compromised. Through the NextNav Pinnacle network, RadioIP will be positioned to bring a new level of efficiency and connectivity intelligence, providing end users with a secure and location-intelligent network node that allows precise tracking without the screen presence of a traditional mobile app.

Whereas RadioIP's Armada™ VPN mobile app currently allows for x/y location, adding NextNav's Pinnacle z-axis service will allow for command to not only know the health of the connection but discreetly locate personnel in complex urban environments where vertical location is a must-have. When combined with RadioIP's Synopsis Metrics platform, agencies will have a complete view of all location services and network performance so that responders are secured and the connectivity they rely upon performs as required.

"One of the most critical aspects of communication today is how the path is secured, As we have frequently seen from location spoofing and the risk it places on responders, it is critical that not only are communications secured but, when combined with NextNav's z-axis service, encrypted end-to-end. We designed Armada VPN to secure and measure connectivity of responder end points, and as we explored how to solve unique customer needs, we recognized that including z-axis is highly necessary in today's day and age."

Roch Tremblay, COO at RadioIP

"As the use of mobile apps increases in public safety, new and highly unique capabilities continue to emerge that will provide critical capabilities for public safety and security operations", said Dan Hight, VP of Business Development at NextNav. "RadioIP is a natural partner and, with NextNav's Pinnacle solution and service embedded in their ecosystem, agencies and end-users will benefit from having a "headless app" that protects those who serve with precision vertical location and secure connectivity. This partnership is one we see having tremendous benefit to not only agencies but our partner ecosystem as well."

The Pinnacle network delivers precise vertical location in 4,400 cities and towns – capturing 90% of buildings greater than three stories – in the United States. NextNav Pinnacle powers applications across the public safety community to support stronger situational awareness for first responders. Earlier this year, a tier-one wireless carrier selected NextNav Pinnacle to bring z-axis capabilities to wireless 9-1-1 phone calls to enhance caller geolocation and emergency response outcomes.

About RadioIP :
A leader in mobile communications, Radio IP Software offers a portfolio of mobile VPN solutions to overcome the performance, security, connectivity and roaming challenges associated with wireless networks to achieve faster response times. Designed for today's wireless and mobile environments, our solutions enable mobile users to seamlessly roam across all network environments. Radio IP provides award-winning services for mission-critical and business-critical communication. We work with corporations, utilities, and government agencies in North America, Europe, South East Asia, and Australia.

About NextNav:
NextNav Inc. is a leader in next generation GPS, enabling a whole new ecosystem of applications and services that rely upon vertical location and resilient geolocation technology. The company's Pinnacle network delivers highly accurate vertical positioning to transform location services, reflecting the 3D world around us and supporting innovative, new capabilities. NextNav's TerraPoiNT network delivers accurate, reliable, and resilient 3D positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) services to support critical infrastructure and other GPS-reliant systems in the absence or failure of GPS.


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