Build a Scalable Storage Infrastructure with Cisco UCS and Cisco Intersight

July 6, 2019

Software-defined storage replaces traditional, purpose-built storage. It can be managed as a single platform and automates delivery of services based on built-in intelligence and best practices. The preconfigured, standardized storage components that are typical of today’s software-defined storage solutions deliver many of the same task-specific capabilities as standalone systems. They just use a different approach to get there: a faster, easier, more cost-effective approach that relies on softwarebased specialization and automation to meet different requirements quickly and economically.


Corporate Technologies LLC

Corporate Technologies is a leading provider of managed IT solutions to businesses and institutions in Minnesota, North Dakota, Idaho, Southern California, West Michigan and New Jersey. With a breadth of services, multiple locations, and over 300 employees strong, Corporate Technologies is able to support their customers on a national level.

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Use Intel Virtualization Technologies To Help Protect Endpoint Applications & Data Without Impacting The User Experience

whitePaper | August 6, 2021

Use Intel Virtualization Technologies to help protect Endpoint applications & Data without impacting the User expereince. Hardware- based security capabilities dekiver the performance required to help protect application and data, without adversely impacting the user experience. Impove Endpoint Security for Remote Workers Isolating Employees' personel and work use helps prevent business data from being exfiltrated and helps protect businesses from vulnerabilities due to personel use of social media and browsing, especialyy valuable as the number of remote workers continues to grow, and many organizations expect an increase in personam work. Increase and Accelerate Security Protection with Intel Virtualization technology Form a business client endpoint perspective, virtualization lets organizations re-think productivity and security. Virtualization Solutions allow multiple operating systems (OSs) and applications to run in independent partitions.

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Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

whitePaper | April 19, 2022

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) enables you to launch AWS resources into a virtual network that you've defined. This virtual network closely resembles a traditional network that you'd operate in your own data center, with the benefits of using the scalable infrastructure of AWS

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Security of the VMware vSphere Hypervisor.

whitePaper | May 1, 2022

Virtualization addresses IT’s most pressing challenge: the infrastructure sprawl that compels IT departments to channel 70 percent of their budget into maintenance, leaving scant resources for business-building innovation. The difficulty stems from the architecture of today’s x86 computers: they’re designed to run just one operating system (OS) and application at a time. As a result, even small data centers must deploy many servers, each operating at just 5–15 percent of capacity—highly inefficient by any standard.

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Deployments and Onboarding to Horizon Cloud for Microsoft Azure and Horizon Pods

whitePaper | October 20, 2022

Use the following information and the linked-to articles when preparing to use Horizon Cloud or Horizon control-plane services, while onboarding your pods, and during day-to-day use. Refer back to this information throughout your journey using the control-plane services.

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VMware vSAN & VMware vSAN+

whitePaper | July 5, 2022

Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) converges compute and storage resources on industry-standard x86 servers, and uses software to abstract and pool cluster resources with unified management software. HCI transforms data centers by simplifying operations through automation, and lowering TCO by leveraging industry standard servers and scaling incrementally.

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Fault-Tolerant Components on AWS

whitePaper | November 10, 2019

This whitepaper provides an introduction to building fault-tolerant software systems using Amazon Web Services (AWS). You will learn about the diverse array of AWS services at your disposal including compute, storage, networking, and database solutions. By leveraging these solutions, you can set up an infrastructure that refreshes automatically, helping you to avoid degradations and points of failures.

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Corporate Technologies LLC

Corporate Technologies is a leading provider of managed IT solutions to businesses and institutions in Minnesota, North Dakota, Idaho, Southern California, West Michigan and New Jersey. With a breadth of services, multiple locations, and over 300 employees strong, Corporate Technologies is able to support their customers on a national level.
