How to choose the best CMS for customer experience management

January 1, 2019

We’ve come a long way since the days when a content management system (CMS) was simply a way to manage and update the content on your website. Today, a web CMS is just one type of technology you need to consistently deliver an excellent customer experience. While your web CMS is a crucial component, you must look at it as part of a larger customer experience management capability.



IPM is also a founding member of the M7 Global Partners, a purpose-built organization comprised of the industry’s seven leading IT services firms providing unmatched resources for desktop solutions and cloud services. M7 Global Partners was named Microsoft Virtualization Partner of the Year 2011.

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Rubrik Security Cloud Architecture and Security Implementation

whitePaper | February 14, 2023

Rubrik is a cybersecurity company, and our mission is to secure the world’s data. We pioneered Zero Trust Data Security™ to help organizations achieve business resilience against cyberattacks, malicious insiders, and operational disruptions. Rubrik Security Cloud, powered by machine learning, delivers data protection and cyber resilience in a single platform across enterprise, cloud, and SaaS applications. It helps organizations uphold data integrity, deliver data availability that withstands adverse conditions, continuously monitor data risks and threats, and restore businesses with their data when infrastructure is attacked.

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Use Intel Virtualization Technologies To Help Protect Endpoint Applications & Data Without Impacting The User Experience

whitePaper | August 6, 2021

Use Intel Virtualization Technologies to help protect Endpoint applications & Data without impacting the User expereince. Hardware- based security capabilities dekiver the performance required to help protect application and data, without adversely impacting the user experience. Impove Endpoint Security for Remote Workers Isolating Employees' personel and work use helps prevent business data from being exfiltrated and helps protect businesses from vulnerabilities due to personel use of social media and browsing, especialyy valuable as the number of remote workers continues to grow, and many organizations expect an increase in personam work. Increase and Accelerate Security Protection with Intel Virtualization technology Form a business client endpoint perspective, virtualization lets organizations re-think productivity and security. Virtualization Solutions allow multiple operating systems (OSs) and applications to run in independent partitions.

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Building a Scalable andSecure Multi-VPC AWS Network Infrastructure

whitePaper | February 23, 2022

Amazon's trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not Amazon's, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers, or in any manner that disparages or discredits Amazon. All other trademarks not owned by Amazon are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by Amazon.

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Deployments and Onboarding to Horizon Cloud for Microsoft Azure and Horizon Pods

whitePaper | October 20, 2022

Use the following information and the linked-to articles when preparing to use Horizon Cloud or Horizon control-plane services, while onboarding your pods, and during day-to-day use. Refer back to this information throughout your journey using the control-plane services.

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B5G Technology White Paper

whitePaper | October 3, 2022

We have tracked 5G trials and commercial deployments, enablers such as 5G spectrum deployments, and the impact of 5G on operators’ supplier decisions. We have carried out this work because 5G is the latest generation of mobile broadband technology, but also becaus of the high hopes around 5G in terms of addressing ever-increasing demand for data and helping operators enable (and create value from) the digital transformation of enterprises.

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EyeSpy - Iranian Spyware Delivered in VPN Installers

whitePaper | October 12, 2022

During routine analysis of detection performance, we noticed a batch of processes that respected the same pattern in the process names. These names begin with sys, win or lib followed by a word that describes the functionality, such as bus, crt, temp, cache, init, and end in 32.exe. We later noticed that the .bat files and the downloaded payloads respect the same naming convention. Further investigation revealed the components are part of a monitoring application called SecondEye, developed in Iran and distributed legitimately via the developer’s website. We also found that some spyware components were already described in an article published by Blackpoint [1]. In the article, researchers drew attention to the dangers of legally distributed monitoring software with malicious behavior

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IPM is also a founding member of the M7 Global Partners, a purpose-built organization comprised of the industry’s seven leading IT services firms providing unmatched resources for desktop solutions and cloud services. M7 Global Partners was named Microsoft Virtualization Partner of the Year 2011.
