Virtual Desktop Tools, Virtual Desktop Strategies, Server Virtualization

Software-Defined Data Center – infrastructure for enterprise digital transformation

November 14, 2022

Over the years the trend toward virtualization revolutionized data centers, but it did not change the hardwarecentric architecture that still serves as the basis for most data centers today. This could radically change in light
of the latest software-defined approaches. Strategy, organization, technology: This white paper serves as a
source of orientation for IT managers confronted with software-defined data center concepts.


Ameri100 Georgia

Ameri100 embodies a value system of Ambition, Mastery, Excitement, Reliability and Integrity. With these values, the Company is becoming an emerging global leader in SAP technologies.Ameri100, founded in 2013 has rapidly grown through strategic acquisitions.

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Use Intel Virtualization Technologies To Help Protect Endpoint Applications & Data Without Impacting The User Experience

whitePaper | August 6, 2021

Use Intel Virtualization Technologies to help protect Endpoint applications & Data without impacting the User expereince. Hardware- based security capabilities dekiver the performance required to help protect application and data, without adversely impacting the user experience. Impove Endpoint Security for Remote Workers Isolating Employees' personel and work use helps prevent business data from being exfiltrated and helps protect businesses from vulnerabilities due to personel use of social media and browsing, especialyy valuable as the number of remote workers continues to grow, and many organizations expect an increase in personam work. Increase and Accelerate Security Protection with Intel Virtualization technology Form a business client endpoint perspective, virtualization lets organizations re-think productivity and security. Virtualization Solutions allow multiple operating systems (OSs) and applications to run in independent partitions.

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Store IT Modernization with VMware White Paper

whitePaper | June 8, 2022

Edge computing in the retail industry plays a key role in transforming our world. Today, organizations in the retail industry want to deliver new services and digital experiences for their employees and customers close to the locations where data is produced and consumed. These organizations want to combine data originating at the store with machine learning (ML), analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) to help improve operations, become more agile, and capture next-generation business opportunities. To ensure success, organizations require retail edge infrastructure solutions that enable fast deployment of new IT services, simplified IT management, and security of edge infrastructure at scale.

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VMware TCO Comparison Calculator

whitePaper | March 11, 2020

Definitions and Objectives In evaluating the cost of a virtualization and private cloud solution, it is essential to use a metric that not only accounts for the cost to acquire the software and the physical infrastructure it requires, but also includes the time and effort needed to operate the solution. Because centralized management is a fundamental component of any virtualization and private cloud deployment, hardware and software costs associated with related management products.

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Intelligent Edge & Private Networks Center of Excellence

whitePaper | December 19, 2022

The Accenture-Cisco Center of Excellence is an international center integrated with ACIC+ and its catalogue with a hub in Rome in the Accenture Cloud Innovation Center and one in Milan, in the Cisco Cybersecurity Co-Innovation Center as well as a Demo Center at Equinix’s datacenter ML5. The Center will leverage Market leader software-defined solutions for DC, WAN and LAN, Security for both corporate and industrial sites, to establish, based on Equinix Fabric and network edge catalog, a direct and low latency cloud interconnection through its resilient facilities to main cloud providers (MAG). The benefits of having Equinix in this architecture are numerous in terms of lower IT costs thanks to consumption-based billing, faster time-to-market and rapid innovation that supports large scale-up with fluid and real-time service enablement, plus monitoring from a single portal.

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Intel VMD-Enabled NVMe Driver for VMware EXSi User Guide

whitePaper | December 1, 2019

This document describe the Intel Volume management Device enabled NVMe driver for VMware Esxi. T include the installation method for adding or upgrading the out-of-box driver to existing VMware ESxi version operating System.

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Versa SD-WAN Solution Use Case for Satellite ISPs

whitePaper | July 19, 2022

Satellite networks offer their customers several advantages over other types of connectivity. They are easily deployed, reliable, and allow a wide degree of mobility, making them a perfect fit for Disaster Recovery Plans (DRP). They are an essential asset in places where other connectivity methods are not available, such as oil rigs, vessels, or even planes. However, they have several characteristics that make them harder to manage when compared to other kinds of networks. This document will discuss those challenges and explore how the Versa Operating System (VOS™) can help you extract better performance out of your Satellite links.

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Ameri100 Georgia

Ameri100 embodies a value system of Ambition, Mastery, Excitement, Reliability and Integrity. With these values, the Company is becoming an emerging global leader in SAP technologies.Ameri100, founded in 2013 has rapidly grown through strategic acquisitions.
