Virtualizing the Cable Access Network the Right Way

June 10, 2019

For service providers, the prospect of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is based on greater efficiencies and opportunities for business innovation. Fundamentally, virtualization is about scaling operations and capital investments more efficiently to agilely deliver network services. Multiple system operators (MSOs) are beginning to realize the power of cloud scalability and new operating efficiencies through the virtualization of their network functions. The initial promise of virtual network functions (VNFs) has been lacking. Replicating and porting code from a physical appliance to a virtual machine without addressing the underlying software architecture resulted in a false start for what was supposed to be a networking revolution. Lessons have been learned, and the lift and shift of existing code to be wrapped in virtual machines has proven to be a clunky and inefficient use of compute power and resources. It tends to miss the business objective of virtualization, which is to achieve greater CapEx and OpEx efficiencies.



ManTech is more than a technology company. We are a company dedicated to service, and we consider our work a part of the public trust. The people of ManTech are privileged to work for the security of the United States, the welfare of our service members and veterans, the protection of our communities, and the cause of better health care.

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How to virtualize your workspace during a time of disruption

whitePaper | November 30, 2022

Globally, the number of employees permanently working remotely is expected to double in 20211. Multiple company workspaces have already gone virtual with many of their employees working from home for the long term. Enterprises now have increasing demand for secure VDI environments at scale to support the needs of an expanded and elastic remote workforce. This demand has catapulted VDI to an enterprise-class, tier 1 workload, on a par with SAP or Oracle. It is valued for its operational flexibility and increased security profile when compared to conventional desktop approaches. It organizations are advancing their VDI environments to enterprise class with hybrid/multi-cloud support, especially in light of the “new normal” of the global remote workforce.

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ScaleN: Elastic Infrastructure

whitePaper | July 4, 2022

Emerging data center models are based on flexibility and non-disruptive, on-demand scalability. Infrastructure must not only support these capabilities, but be able itself to provide these same benefits and capabilities. F5 ScaleN is a breakthrough in high availability and scalability, offering the robust capabilities required to enable multi-tenant solutions, elastic applications, and infrastructure for any environment.

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Accelerate your hybrid cloud migration with Google Cloud VMware Engine

whitePaper | November 23, 2022

The pandemic put strong pressures on organizations to modernize their infrastructure. The sudden rush of remote workers using virtual desktop infrastructure has resulted in surges and strains within current IT infrastructure. Organizations then were faced with a difficult choice: continue operations with slow, and at times insufficient capacity to support its workers, or upgrade their IT infrastructure. Upgrading IT infrastructure provides its own challenges: on-prem upgrades are an expensive endeavor and a considerable effort must be put into provisioning the right amount of hardware. Under-provisioning could potentially result in disruptions to operations and over-provisioning would result in wasted expenses. The other option is migrating to the cloud, which although does allow for elasticity with provisioning, does have challenges in the massive, timeand resource-intensive process of replacing legacy systems with cloud-based SaaS enterprise software.

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Why VDI makes sense forhard-core UNIX® and Linux® engineering applications

whitePaper | December 6, 2022

By now, everyone has heard the terms desktop virtualization and VDI It seems like we’ve been pounded with marketing propaganda about these technologies from companies like VMware, Citrix® and Microsoft® since 2006. But if desktop virtualization is so good, why are most of the world’s desktops still “old-style” physical desktops and laptops?

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VMware SD-WAN Edge platform specifications

whitePaper | August 8, 2023

VMware SD-WAN™, a fundamental component of VMware SASE™ (Secure Access Service Edge), offers converged cloud networking and security services to achieve flexibility, agility, and scale for enterprises of all sizes. VMware SD-WAN is built on software-defined networking principles to address end-to-end automation, application continuity, branch transformation, and security from the edge to the data center and the cloud

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VMware Skyline Solution Overview

whitePaper | December 10, 2019

Customers that run business-critical operations on VMware environments need an infrastructure that’s always on and optimized for peak performance. Best-inclass reactive technical support is table stakes for achieving necessary operational efficiency, risk reduction and business continuity. With VMware powering the data center infrastructure, customers are asking for more than traditional break/fix. They expect fast, environment-specific remediation recommendations and proactive analytics that identify problems before they occur.

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ManTech is more than a technology company. We are a company dedicated to service, and we consider our work a part of the public trust. The people of ManTech are privileged to work for the security of the United States, the welfare of our service members and veterans, the protection of our communities, and the cause of better health care.
