Defense in Depth: User-Centric Security

It’s impossible to create a security system that removes the user from the equation. They are integral and they have to be part of your security program. Security is defined by the individual. The minimum expectation you can have of your users is that they’ll operate in good faith. Avoid complexity because as soon as it’s introduced it drives problems everywhere. Instead, keep asking yourself, how can I make security more usable?
Individuals are suffering from alert fatigue. If you’re going to send an alert to a user, make it relevant and actionable. And always be aware that your security alerts are not the only alert the user is seeing and deciding or not deciding to take action on. Think about all the alerts you completely ignore, like the confidentiality warning in a corporate email.


Logical Front, LLC

Logical Front has created an alliance of best-in-class software & solutions to help IT become a strategic advantage for your organization. Our mission is to become the premier provider of complex information technology solutions to help IT create value for your organization.

Server Virtualization

VMware NSX 3.2 Delivers New, Advanced Security Capabilities

Article | May 17, 2023

It’s an impactful release focused on significant NSX Security enhancements Putting a hard shell around a soft core is not a recipe for success in security, but somehow legacy security architectures for application protection have often looked exactly like that: a hard perimeter firewall layer for an application infrastructure that was fundamentally not built with security as a primary concern. VMware NSX Distributed Firewall pioneered the micro-segmentation concept for granular access controls for cloud applications with the initial launch of the product in 2013. The promise of Zero Trust security for applications, the simplicity of deployment of the solution, and the ease of achieving internal security objectives made NSX an instant success for security-sensitive customers. Our newest release — NSX-T 3.2 — establishes a new marker for securing application infrastructure by introducing significant new features to identify and respond to malware and ransomware attacks in the network, to enhance user identification and L7 application identification capabilities, and, at the same time, to simplify deployment of the product for our customers. Modern day security teams need to secure mission-critical infrastructure from both external and internal attacks. By providing unprecedented threat visibility leveraging IDS, NTA, and Network Detection and Response (NDR) capabilities along with granular controls leveraging L4-L7 Firewall, IPS, and Malware Prevention capabilities, NSX 3.2 delivers an incredible security solution for our customers“ Umesh Mahajan, SVP, GM (Networking and Security Business Unit) Distributed Advanced Threat Prevention (ATP) Attackers often use multiple sophisticated techniques to penetrate the network, move laterally within the network in a stealthy manner, and exfiltrate critical data at an appropriate time. Micro-segmentation solutions focused solely on access control can reduce the attack surface — but cannot provide the detection and prevention technologies needed to thwart modern attacks. NSX-T 3.2 introduces several new capabilities focused on detection and prevention of attacks inside the network. Of critical note is that these advanced security solutions do not need network taps, separate monitoring networks, or agents inside each and every workload. Distributed Malware Prevention Lastline’s highly reputed dynamic malware technology is now integrated with NSX Distributed Firewall to deliver an industry-first Distributed Malware Prevention solution. Leveraging the integration with Lastline, a Distributed Firewall embedded within the hypervisor kernel can now identify both “known malicious” as well as “zero day” malware Distributed Behavioral IDS Whereas earlier versions of NSX Distributed IDPS (Intrusion Detection and Prevention System) delivered primarily signature-based detection of intrusions, NSX 3.2 introduces “behavioral” intrusion detection capabilities as well. Even if specific IDS signatures are not triggered, this capability helps customers know whether a workload is seeing any behavioral anomalies, like DNS tunneling or beaconing, for example, that could be a cause for concern. Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) For customers interested in baselining network-wide behavior and identifying anomalous behavior at the aggregated network level, NSX-T 3.2 introduces Distributed Network Traffic Analysis (NTA). Network-wide anomalies like lateral movement, suspicious RDP traffic, and malicious interactions with the Active Directory server, for example, can alert security teams about attacks underway and help them take quick remediation actions. Network Detection and Response (NDR) Alert overload, and resulting fatigue, is a real challenge among security teams. Leveraging advanced AI/ML techniques, the NSX-T 3.2 Network Detection and Response solution consolidates security IOCs from different detection systems like IDS, NTA, malware detection. etc., to provide a ”campaign view” that shows specific attacks in play at that point in time. MITRE ATT&CK visualization helps customers see the specific stage in the kill chain of individual attacks, and the ”time sequence” view helps understand the sequence of events that contributed to the attack on the network. Key Firewall Enhancements While delivering new Advanced Threat Prevention capabilities is one key emphasis for the NSX-T 3.2 release, providing meaningful enhancements for core firewalling capabilities is an equally critical area of innovation. Distributed Firewall for VDS Switchports While NSX-T has thus far supported workloads connected to both overlay-based N-VDS switchports as well as VLAN-based switchports, customers had to move the VLAN switchports from VDS to N-VDS before a Distributed Firewall could be enforced. With NSX-T 3.2, native VLAN DVPGs are supported as-is, without having to move to N-VDS. Effectively, Distributed Security can be achieved in a completely seamless manner without having to modify any networking constructs. Distributed Firewall workflows in vCenter With NSX-T 3.2, we are introducing the ability to create and modify Distributed Firewall rules natively within vCenter. For small- to medium-sized VMware customers, this feature simplifies the user experience by eliminating the need to leverage a separate NSX Manager interface. Advanced User Identification for Distributed and Gateway Firewalls NSX supported user identity-based access control in earlier releases. With NSX-T 3.2, we’re introducing the ability to directly connect to Microsoft Active Directory to support user identity mapping. In addition, for customers who do not use Active Directory for user authentication, NSX also supports VMware vRealize LogInsight as an additional method to carry out user identity mapping. This feature enhancement is applicable for both NSX Distributed Firewall as well as NSX Gateway Firewall. Enhanced L7 Application Identification for Distributed and Gateway Firewalls NSX supported Layer-7 application identification-based access control in earlier releases. With NSX-T 3.2, we are enhancing the signature set to about 750 applications. While several perimeter firewall vendors claim a larger set of Layer-7 application signatures, they focus mostly on internet application identification (like Facebook, for example). Our focus with NSX at this time is on internal applications hosted by enterprises. This feature enhancement is applicable for both NSX Distributed Firewall as well as Gateway Firewalls. NSX Intelligence NSX Intelligence is geared towards delivering unprecedented visibility for all application traffic inside the network and enabling customers to create micro-segmentation policies to reduce the attack surface. It has a processing pipeline that de-dups, aggregates, and correlates East-West traffic to deliver in-depth visibility. Scalability enhancements for NSX Intelligence As application infrastructure grows rapidly, it is vital that one’s security analytics platform can grow with it. With the new release, we have rearchitected the application platform upon which NSX Intelligence runs — moving from a stand-alone appliance to a containerized micro-service architecture powered by Kubernetes. This architectural change future-proofs the Intelligence data lake and allows us to eventually scale out our solution to n-node Kubernetes clusters. Large Enterprise customers that need visibility for application traffic can confidently deploy NSX Intelligence and leverage the enhanced scale it supports. NSX Gateway Firewall While NSX Distributed Firewall focuses on east-west controls within the network, NSX Gateway Firewall is used for securing ingress and egress traffic into and out of a zone. Gateway Firewall Malware Detection NSX Gateway Firewall in the 3.2 release received significant Advanced Threat Detection capabilities. Gateway Firewall can now identify both known as well as zero-day malware ingressing or egressing the network. This new capability is based on the Gateway Firewall integration with Lastline’s highly reputed dynamic network sandbox technology. Gateway Firewall URL Filtering Internal users and applications reaching out to malicious websites is a huge security risk that must be addressed. In addition, enterprises need to limit internet access to comply with corporate internet usage policies. NSX Gateway Firewall in 3.2 introduces the capability to restrict access to internet sites. Access can be limited based on either the category the URL belongs to, or the “reputation” of the URL. The URL to category and reputation mapping is constantly updated by VMware so customer intent is enforced automatically even after many changes in the internet sites themselves.

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Virtual Desktop Strategies, Server Hypervisors

Researchers Explore Details of Critical VMware Vulnerability

Article | April 27, 2023

Researchers have published the details of an investigation into CVE-2020-3952, a major vulnerability in VMware's vCenter that was disclosed and patched on April 9. The flaw was given a CVSS score of 10. CVE-2020-3952 exists in VMware's Directory Service (vmdir), which is a part of VMware vCenter Server, a centralized management platform for virtualized hosts and virtual machines. Through vCenter Server, the company says, an administrator can manage hundreds of workloads. The platform uses single sign-on (SSO), which includes vmdir, Security Token Service, an administration server, and the vCenter Lookup Service. Vmdir is also used for certificate management for the workloads vCenter handles.

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Virtual Desktop Tools, Server Hypervisors

Discovering SCVMM and Its Features

Article | April 28, 2023

System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) is a management tool for Microsoft’s Hyper-V virtualization platform. It is part of Microsoft’s System Center product suite, which also includes Configuration Manager and Operations Manager, among other tools. SCVMM provides a single pane of glass for managing your on-premises and cloud-based Hyper-V infrastructures, and it’s a more capable alternative to Windows Server tools built for the same purpose.

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Virtual Desktop Strategies

Addressing Multi-Cloud Complexity with VMware Tanzu

Article | June 7, 2022

Introduction With cloud computing on the path to becoming the mother of all transformations, particularly in IT's ways of development and operations, we are once again confronted with the problem of conversion errors, this time a hundredfold higher than previous moves to dispersed computing and the web. While the issue is evident, the remedies are not so obvious. Cloud complexity is the outcome of the fast acceleration of cloud migration and net-new innovation without consideration of the complexity this introduces in operations. Almost all businesses are already working in a multi-cloud or hybrid-cloud environment. According to an IDC report, 93% of enterprises utilize multiple clouds. The decision could have stemmed from a desire to save money and avoid vendor lock-in, increase resilience, or businesses might have found themselves with several clouds as a result of the compounding activities of different teams. When it comes to strategic technology choices, relatively few businesses begin by asking, "How can we secure and control our technology?" Must-Follow Methods for Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Success Data Analysis at Any Size, from Any Source: To proactively recognize, warn, and guide investigations, teams should be able to utilize all data throughout the cloud and on-premises. Insights in Real-Time: Considering the temporary nature of containerized operations and functions as a service, businesses cannot wait minutes to determine whether they are experiencing infrastructure difficulties. Only a scalable streaming architecture can ingest, analyze, and alert rapidly enough to discover and investigate problems before they have a major impact on consumers. Analytics That Enables Teams to Act: Because multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud strategies do not belong in a single team, businesses must be able to evaluate data inside and across teams in order to make decisions and take action swiftly. How Can VMware Help in Solving Multi-Cloud and Hybrid-Cloud Complexity? VMware made several announcements indicating a new strategy focused on modern applications. Their approach focuses on two VMware products: vSphere with Kubernetes and Tanzu. Since then, much has been said about VMware's modern app approach, and several products have launched. Let's focus on VMware Tanzu. VMware Tanzu Tanzu is a product that enables organizations to upgrade both their apps and the infrastructure that supports them. In the same way that VMware wants vRealize to be known for cloud management and automation, Tanzu wants to be known for modern business applications. Tanzu uses Kubernetes to build and manage modern applications. In Tanzu, there is just one development environment and one deployment process. VMware Tanzu is compatible with both private and public cloud infrastructures. Closing Lines The important point is that the Tanzu portfolio offers a great deal of flexibility in terms of where applications operate and how they are controlled. We observe an increase in demand for operating an application on any cloud, and how VMware Tanzu assists us in streamlining the multi-cloud operation for MLOps pipeline. Apart from multi-cloud operation, it is critical to monitor and alarm each component throughout the MLOps lifecycle, from Kubernetes pods and inference services to data and model performance.

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Logical Front, LLC

Logical Front has created an alliance of best-in-class software & solutions to help IT become a strategic advantage for your organization. Our mission is to become the premier provider of complex information technology solutions to help IT create value for your organization.

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I’ve never met a harder sale than cybersecurity to the IT team,” admitted a security vendor. The challenges are unique at each firm and they are reluctant to even take a call let alone share real concerns. ”In the security products market, cybersecurity vendors simply want to be considered, and that often requires compelling a prospect to test the darn product. But getting a response from a prospect, let alone a product test, is often a Herculean task. One vendor I spoke to said he would often have to initiate ten contacts with a prospect before he’d even get an acknowledgement. Companies whose primary objective is to test products can’t even keep up with the volume. As of last December, 451 Research was aware of more than 1,600 security vendors. “Those were only the ones we had time to write down,” said Wendy Nather (@WendyNather), formerly of 451 Research and now director, advisory CISOs at Duo Security. “That wasn’t even the total number of products!”

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30 Security Vendor Behaviors That Set Off a CISO’s BS Detector

Spark Media Solutions, LLC | February 19, 2019

I had never seen such disdain and aggravation from a CISO. Richard Rushing (@SecRich), CISO of Motorola Mobility, sent me an email with a litany of vendor pitches. Each one punctuated with vitriolic commentary and frustration. It appears a lot of companies will fully protect his network and automatically detect threats. Rushing’s diatribe was so vicious that any security vendor would be horrified to know their marketing emails were eliciting this reaction. Now I’m telling you. ‘Tried and true’ marketing and sales techniques can often be irritants to very wise security buyers. They’re not fooled. Worse, they’re turned off. Read on for sales techniques and claims you should avoid when communicating to a security professional. For each item to avoid, I asked security professionals how they’d prefer to be engaged. This is a long article, but it’s jammed with gems. Take it slowly.

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How to Get a Prospect to Test Your Security Product

Spark Media Solutions, LLC | February 21, 2018

I’ve never met a harder sale than cybersecurity to the IT team,” admitted a security vendor. The challenges are unique at each firm and they are reluctant to even take a call let alone share real concerns. ”In the security products market, cybersecurity vendors simply want to be considered, and that often requires compelling a prospect to test the darn product. But getting a response from a prospect, let alone a product test, is often a Herculean task. One vendor I spoke to said he would often have to initiate ten contacts with a prospect before he’d even get an acknowledgement. Companies whose primary objective is to test products can’t even keep up with the volume. As of last December, 451 Research was aware of more than 1,600 security vendors. “Those were only the ones we had time to write down,” said Wendy Nather (@WendyNather), formerly of 451 Research and now director, advisory CISOs at Duo Security. “That wasn’t even the total number of products!”

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How to Uncover Security Concerns When Customers Won’t Tell You

Spark Media Solutions, LLC | February 06, 2018

“What are your security concerns?” It’s the one question all security vendors want to know from potential customers. It’s also the one question potential customers don’t want to divulge for obvious security, privacy, and “I don’t have the time” reasons. All is not lost! There is still a way, in fact multiple ways, security vendors can sleuth out a company’s security needs. I asked a few security professionals how they go about figuring out the answer to the “what keeps you up at night” concern. Here’s their advice (plus one tip from me!): “While everyone likes to say their problems are unique and challenging in a way no one has ever seen before, it’s really not true,” said Michael Farnum (@m1a1vet), SA manager, Set Solutions. You may not even need to dig that deep, or at all. If your product solves a rudimentary security need you will probably already be in sync with a company’s security concerns. Farnum believes many organizations are still struggling just dealing with the basics of security.

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30 Security Vendor Behaviors That Set Off a CISO’s BS Detector

Spark Media Solutions, LLC | February 19, 2019

I had never seen such disdain and aggravation from a CISO. Richard Rushing (@SecRich), CISO of Motorola Mobility, sent me an email with a litany of vendor pitches. Each one punctuated with vitriolic commentary and frustration. It appears a lot of companies will fully protect his network and automatically detect threats. Rushing’s diatribe was so vicious that any security vendor would be horrified to know their marketing emails were eliciting this reaction. Now I’m telling you. ‘Tried and true’ marketing and sales techniques can often be irritants to very wise security buyers. They’re not fooled. Worse, they’re turned off. Read on for sales techniques and claims you should avoid when communicating to a security professional. For each item to avoid, I asked security professionals how they’d prefer to be engaged. This is a long article, but it’s jammed with gems. Take it slowly.

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